Value Proposition

As a business advisor to CEOs and senior leaders, Pavan’s expertise enables companies to traverse their growth journeys and navigate the challenges that come along the way. He leverages his vast experience in scaling operations and provides comprehensive guidance across functions, with special emphasis to those areas that provide maximum leverage.

A few of these “high leverage” areas are:

Leadership Mentoring/Coaching

“Growth-ready teams” are a pre-requisite to any scaling organization. Leaders need to grow and adapt as their company grows. Unleashing the leadership capability of the CEO and his/her leadership team is critical to successfully navigating a high-growth journey. Pavan actively coaches and mentors individual leaders keeping in mind their specific roles and the challenges that they are facing. He covers areas like:

  • Building self-awareness and addressing skill gaps
  • Building resilience
  • Values led leadership
  • Organization culture
  • Strategic alignment and communication
  • Managing your leadership team
  • Conflict management
  • Taking difficult decisions
  • Work-life balance

Customer Experience

Building a customer-centric organisation and ensuring that the quality of the customer experience continues to improve as the organization scales is one of the biggest challenges for a growing company. It is all too common for companies which have attained product-market-fit to start their scaling journey only to see their customer experience plummet as they deal with the myriad of challenges associated with the scaling journey. Pavan brings his extensive customer service experience working with leading brands like Amazon, Uber, Airtel, IBM, HP, Citibank, Aetna and focuses on areas like:

  • Building trust and loyalty
  • Scaling the customer experience
  • Establishing “Wow” at the moments of truth
  • Metrics that matter: VOC, NPS, FCR
  • Knowing your value proposition, moats, differentiators
  • Knowing your customer experience proposition (what service @what price point)
  • Effective communication of your customer experience proposition
  • Customer insights as a driver of product and process changes
  • 3rd Party BPOs: What to keep inhouse, what to outsource and when?
  • Best practices for insourced/outsourced operations
  • Internal customer orientation and the inverted pyramid model
  • Organizational synergies (getting everyone behind the customer)

Operational Excellence

Scaling operational execution capability while you grow rapidly is akin to changing the tyres on a moving car. Pavan works with your teams to help them build scalable systems and processes which deliver consistent and predictable outcomes. Emphasis is placed on implementing solutions that are appropriate for the size and growth phase of the company. He covers areas like:

  • ‘Built for Growth’ processes (simple, scalable, repeatable, measurable)
  • Speed of execution – lowering the center of gravity of decision making
  • Sustainability: Growth vs Efficiency trade-offs
  • Capacity utilization and cost optimization
  • Continuous improvement culture
  • Power of Operational Reviews to 2x the speed of execution
  • Building Dashboards for Key Metrics: OKRs, Initiatives
  • Driving organizational synergies: cross functional dependencies
  • Leveraging culture and recognition to boost business outcomes
  • Risk management

Scaling Leadership Capability

Scaling multiple layers of leadership capability in a high growth organization is one of the keys to success. All too often, CEOs falter in doing so leading to missed opportunities for capturing growth and consequently industry leadership. Pavan focuses on areas such as:

  • Recruitment and integration of leadership talent
  • Developing/grooming internal leaders
  • Sharpening the saw (focusing on what really matters)
  • Staffing for growth and succession planning
  • Leadership bonding and culture
  • Performance reviews and talent management
  • Building a meritocracy to attract high quality leaders
  • Power of delegation – Empowerment with accountability

Catch up

Contact us to discuss how we can supercharge your growth